QR Codes

The easiest method to generate and monitor QR Codes is to use the Bjli QR Code Generator.

Within the Bjli Connections Platform, create a personalized QR Code in a matter of seconds, distribute it to your audience, and obtain your scan data directly away.

Make demands and motivate action with your Bjli QR Codes.

Quickly generate QR Codes that stand out, feel on brand and connect with your audience.

Typically have the option to customize your BioLink page. Choose a layout, theme, colors, and fonts that match your brand or personal style.

Start adding the links you want to include on your BioLink page. These could be links to your social media profiles, website, blog, online store, or any other online destinations you want to share with your audience.

Arrange the links on your BioLink page in a logical order. You may want to prioritize certain links or group them by category.

Finally, share the URL of your BioLink page on your social media profiles, website, or wherever else you want to direct your audience.

Learn how your audience interacts with every QR Code

Obtain the necessary information to determine which codes are functional and which require modification.

Periodically review the links on your BioLink page to ensure they are up-to-date and relevant. Remove any outdated links and add new ones as needed.

Consider the order in which your links are displayed on the page. Arrange them in a logical sequence based on priority or relevance to your audience.

 If your BioLink tool allows you to add descriptions to your links, make sure they accurately describe the content or destination of each link. Update descriptions as needed to provide clarity to your audience.

 Keep your BioLink page visually appealing by updating the layout, theme, colors, and fonts periodically. This can help maintain interest and engagement from your audience.

Keep an eye on new features and updates from your BioLink tool provider. Implement any new features or enhancements that can improve the functionality or usability of your BioLink page.

Create meaningful, measurable experiences with the Bjli Connections Platform

Get closer to your audience and customers today